535 N Church St, Suite 140

West Chester, PA 19380


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About Brandywine Valley Mortgage in Chadds Ford, PA​

Brandywine Valley Mortgage is a privately owned independent mortgage brokerage. As brokers, we are able to act as fiduciaries, acting on behalf of our client’s best interests, pairing them with the best products and terms. Brandywine Valley Mortgage is not subject to control by others and has no “stockholders” to maximize profit for. We embrace competition among our wholesale investors, holding product and service providers accountable so that we can provide our clients the best mortgage terms.

happy Steven son Family in west chester

Jason Stevenson and his family

Chadds Ford, PA <span style="color: #3495B3; font-family: "Roboto", Sans-serif; font-weight: 600;"Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage brokers have a lot of experience. A mortgage broker tends to be an industry veteran, loan officers who have worked for multiple segments of the mortgage industry, finally landing in a spot where they can offer the most flexibility for their clients. Loan officers tend to enter the mortgage business working for large direct lenders, starting at entry level positions, as their industry experience grows, they become more focused on client experience and satisfaction, valuing rates and costs, they move to brokering loans to provide a superior product to their clients.

The average mortgage broker at Brandywine Valley Mortgages has 15 years industry experience and has been part of 1000’s of transactions. We do run into new client situations and scenarios on almost a daily basis, but our experience is leveraged when putting together financing game plans for our most difficult, and even the simplest, transactions. Our clients get equal treatment regardless of the level of difficulty their loan program may present.

Why choose Brandywine Valley Mortgage over big banks?

Brandywine Valley Mortgage does what big banks and direct lenders don’t.

1. Provides access to hundreds of loan products

Brandywine Valley Mortgage offers a wide range of mortgage loans from dozens of lenders, credit unions, and wholesale financial institutions. Our large network offers you a better opportunity to obtain the loan product and interest rate that best suits your needs.

2. Finds the most competitive loan terms

BVM brokers act as your fiduciary agent, representing your interests rather then the interests of any one lender or financing institution. With a wide variety of mortgage loans from numerous wholesale outlets, BVM can offer you the greatest value in terms of interest rates and loan products.

3. Flexibility and expertise to meet your needs

BVM brokers navigate our clients through any situation. If clients have credit issues, the broker has access to lenders which offer the best products to meet their needs. Clients that need larger loans than their bank will approve benefit from our ability to successfully obtain financing. If a client has the highest of qualifications, we have wholesalers who specialize in the most competitive pricing for the very select who qualify.

4. Saves you time

With only one application, rather than applying individually at numerous lending institutions, BVM brokers can provide a formal comparison of any loan programs available. BVM brokers will guide you through information comparing recommended loans, available rates and buydowns, and closing costs associated with each option.

5. Saves you money with no hidden costs

Mortgage brokers offer loans on a wholesale basis, and therefor can offer some of the most competitive rates and terms in the market. The upfront expense and total cost of the loan tend to be much lower through a broker versus a bank or direct lender. Further, brokers are heavily regulated and are not permitted to charge “junk fees” whereas direct lenders are uncapped on the rates and costs they are able to charge to “willing” borrower.

6. Delivers personalized service

BVM brokers have a vested interest in providing great service and an invaluable experience, with little overhead and limited budget, we rely on our service and products to produce referrals from our clients.


Reach Out to Brandywine Valley Mortgage

Brandywine Valley Mortgages offers a wide range of mortgage loans from dozens of lenders, credit unions, and wholesale financial institutions. Our large network offers you a better opportunity to obtain the loan product and interest rate that best suits your needs.